Sunday, October 20, 2013

A week in pictures

Just a little bit of what's been going on this week at the orphanage.

Bathtime is now quicker, easier and more fun now that our baby bathing room is finished! 
Our tanties have their hands full!
Here comes trouble! We use a lot of diapers every day!
Schoolchildren receiving a new pair of TOMS shoes
Our new dining hall is nearly complete! Painting has begun!
Repainting the cribs for a fresh new look

Kids receive letters from their sponsors 
How many flies can you fit on one grape sized piece of fruit?
Now multiply that by 1000. It's the season for fallen fruit.
Teatime anyone? A daily ritual here in Burkina.
Time to go! See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to take and post these pictures, Worth a few thousand words!
