Friday, April 26, 2013

From Trash to Treasure...Creative Solutions

One of the first thing you notice here, and in most 3rd world countries, is the problem of trash. It's everywhere! There is no government way of handling trash, no garbage trucks, no trash collection, nothing. So, it just piles up on the streets and even in the trees! Each family is responsible for their own trash and usually you can see smoke billowing all over town at dusk when piles of trash are being burned.

It's unfortunate, but the people have been conditioned to just drop their trash wherever they are. Everything sold here is placed in black plastic bags (sachets) and these are what you mostly see all over.

Plastic bags blown into the trees

There have been efforts from groups to help eliminate the tossing of sachets by placing garbage cans and signs in different locations. Most plastic bottles are reused by women who either sell beverages in them or liquid soap that they make. Many other containers are used to start plants for gardens. Personally I like to see what the kids come up with. I have seen bracelets made from pen caps, shoes made from boxes, and a variety of different toys fashioned from bits of this and that.

Hats made from discarded boxes

Toy cars made from empty oil containers, broken branches and lids

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