Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sugared Peanuts and Quality Time

On Saturday’s we usually have some of the kids from the orphanage visit us at our house and it is not unusual to find a few kids in the kitchen with me. Each week I invite two different kids to bake with me. We make cakes, cookies and other different treats together and then share what we made with everyone else. The kids really love it.

Baking Cinnamon Pull-apart Bread
Last week I was invited by one of our boys (pictured above) to cook with him in the orphanage kitchen. This consists of pots over a fire with various sticks. To adjust the heat you just add or remove sticks. Ingenious!
The African Kitchen

We made a traditional treat called Sugared Peanuts or Arachide Sucre. You can buy these in bags all over Burkina and they are addictively delicious. And now I can make them myself and I am sharing the directions with you if you would like to try making them as well.
First you start out with shelled peanuts. We had about 5 cups of peanuts. Place these in a pot and add water. Just enough to cover the top of the peanuts. Turn on the heat. Add sugar. We used about 1 ½ cups. Stir well over the heat until it starts to boil. Cover the pot and simmer. Check to see if the water is evaporated. When water is gone start stiring with a wooden spoon and keep stirring until peanuts develop a sugary hard coating. Take pot off the heat, pour peanuts into a heat safe bowl and let cool.

We're Cooking Now!

It was a lot of fun trying out the African kitchen and letting one of our kids teach me something. As usual, we shared our snack with everyone!

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