Monday, February 13, 2012

Medical Supplies and Butterflies!

The life of a missionary is quite unpredictable.  We set up and plan out our weeks, but when your a servant, only one thing is certain, change!  We are always seeking out where we are to be next. This past week I had plans to stay at the orphanage and spend some time in the primary school to learn the ins and outs of how it functions (didnt exactly understand it back when I was in school). So the plan is set, right? Well, not exactly.  We were given a generous donation to build a covered patio for our weaving project, so let's get started. Then as I walk back to where we are building the patio there is the sign that was taken down from our back entrance because the truck that was delivering our grain that we give out to the widows in the villages was stacked too high. No problem! Oh wait, there's no ladders, no scaffold, no bolts, hmmmm....... everything's a challenge.  Proud to say that the sign is standing, the structure for our weavers is built, and injuries were kept to a minimum.  Actually the first two times I whacked my hand with the hammer it simply went numb, but that third time, well that's the one that I felt.  With my hand swollen and my pride severely compromised, the projects were accomplished. Now I can get back to the original plan, back to the primary school.....but then the call comes in that a handicap clinic in the capital can use many of the supplies that we had stored in our container. Another change of plans.  We loaded up the truck and headed to the Ouagadougou.  After passing the clinic twice I had to call in reinforcements to help navigate, but mission was accomplished.

Alrighty then, back to Yako, now the school.  What? The week is over?! I guess we will take a moment to kick back and........oh, aren't we supposed to be doing an outreach in Doure?  Hurry up, grab the bag and let's go! We will grab some "bom bom" (candy) and we are on the way. The first week we had over 60 kids, the next week we had over 80! "make sure we have enough supplies for 100 to be safe."  So as I am sitting in front of the 106 kids that showed up, I am frantically digging in my pockets for my mints left over from church. Between our group we had enough! Awesome. God is prepared even when I'm not. We learned about the beauty of creation, and had the kids color a butterfly for us. It was yet another great moment for Amy and I in Africa.

Tiring, fun, exciting and by far the most rewarding days of our lives! We thank all of you that are part of our support team! It could not happen without you! YOU are making an impact in Africa with you prayers and financial support.  We cannot begin to tell you all how much we appreciate you, and I believe that I speak for the orphans, widows and children of Burkina Faso when I say that they appreciate you also!


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