Monday, August 1, 2011

The Mission Heart Beats Louder

The closer we get to the projection date of our launch (which is the quickly approaching month of November), we start to see the world we live in change. Going to the grocery store is.......... different, the daily routines of life in South Florida are different, even the conversations we have are different. The hearts of our family that broke for the country of Burkina Faso are now starting to beat differently.

Our new hearts, missionary hearts are starting to race. Like the drums of the orphanage boys during their Tuesday night bible study...pounding over the hot air of the courtyard. We become more excited as each day passes. We ask ourselves if God could truly be putting us on His front lines, using us for something as wonderful and showing the widows, the children, and the orphans of Africa the love of Christ. WOW!! Only He could pull something like that off!

In an area that I have lived in for over 40 years of my 41 years on earth, I start to feel like an outsider, a visitor. The things that used to excite me here, seem almost a task. Amazing is His path!

Proverbs 3:6

 Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.
God has given my family a new home, a new direction, and a new passion. We continue to prepare and plan, we continue to minimize and organize. He keeps putting each piece of the puzzle in its place. He is showing us that the opportunities of the ways we can reach Burkina Faso are ENDLESS!! The need is so great.

I want to say thanks to all those who have stepped up and joined the "Reach Burkina" Team! I'm praying that all others would consider partnering with us. Become a part of what God is doing in Burkina Faso with us.

Walking in Faith!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Jessica Ayala and I am Sophomore at the University of Tampa, I just heard about Burkina, through your daughter who is a RA on my floor. I am so happy you guys are doing this. I pray that GOD gives you the strength and provides you with all that you need and if I can help in any way just let me know! Praying for your family!
