Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Clean Water?

Running from a faucet. In abundance. Safe to drink.
We take these things for granted.

In the past few days, here in South Florida, several cities were issued a boil water order. The bacteria E-coli was found present in the water supply. This created problems for individuals as well as businesses. Something as simple as water can wreak havoc in our otherwise secure and stable lives.

Our daughter, Haley went to Starbucks and wasn’t able to buy a drink. Yes, Starbucks. A news article detailed the frustration people were having being forced to empty their ice bins and having to buy bags of ice. Annoyed over the inconvenience of having to boil water and wait for it to cool down so they could have a drink or brush their teeth.

Now, let us take a journey across the globe to sub-saharan Africa where water is an everyday struggle. Take a look at how water effects the lives of billions of people.

Diane and her two siblings do not attend school. It is the job of the children to fetch water for their family’s needs. Each day they travel over two miles to fill up containers with water. They are limited to what they can carry so they make this trip several times throughout the day.
Fatima is eight years old and severely malnourished. It was a good harvest this year and the family has been eating well. Still, Fatima is losing weight. The disease she picked up from drinking unclean water is affecting the way her body processes food and is reducing nutrient absorption.

Safieta just buried her fourteen month old son Idrissa. He was ill with diarreah and became severely dehydrated. She tried giving him water, but his condition just got worse. She didn’t realize that parasites in the water made him sick. By the time she got to a health clinic, it was too late.

Lack of access to clean water kills more children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.

Efforts to bring clean, safe water to villages throughout Africa are taking place and the wells being built are saving lives!

Part of the work we will be doing, serving with Sheltering Wings in Burkina Faso will be bringing clean water to communities in need. A well in a village means children are freed up to attend school and fewer people will get sick.

Water is life!

Isaiah 12:3-4

 Joyfully you'll pull up buckets of water
   from the wells of salvation.
And as you do it, you'll say,
   "Give thanks to God.
Call out his name.
   Ask him anything!
Shout to the nations, tell them what he's done,
   spread the news of his great reputation!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Silly Faces

Despite their circumstances...at the heart of the matter, kids are the same...all over the world!