Saturday, June 11, 2011

Every Child Deserves A Chance

...And whosoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.  -Matthew 18:5
One of the important programs that Sheltering Wings has is a Child Sponsorship Program. The needs of these children are critical. Their life circumstances are hard and offer little hope. Tragedy and misfortune have left them with very little opportunity for medical care, proper nutrition or schooling.

Mariam Ouedraogo, Age 9

One of the children who is in need of sponsorship to continue her education is nine year old Mariam Ouedrogo. Her father is living, but is not well mentally. There are not many programs to assist the mentally ill in Burkina Faso, so much of the time he is found wandering the streets. Mariam lives with her mother and three older brothers. Her mother supports the family by collecting wood to sell in the market, however it is not enough to meet their needs. Mariam is the only one in her family to receive an education. Her mother has made great sacrifices to send Mariam to school, however this past year she has been very ill and unable to cultivate food for the family. There is no electricity or running water in their home. Despite the harsh reality of her life, Mariam has done exceptionally well in school receiving very high marks and has remained healthy. Right now she is in desperate need of finding a sponsor...she is in desperate need of a chance.

Child Sponsorship is a $35 a month investment in the life of a child. Sponsorship provides food, clothing, education and medical needs. Please pray for Mariam and the hundreds of children like her. Consider becoming a sponsor and make a tremendous difference in the life of a child.

I have packets for children and will be happy to review the materials with you. You can find me at Hollywood Community Church every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. You can also e-mail me at For those living outside of Florida, you can find more info on becoming a sponsor at

Love and Blessings,

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