Landry's had an enlarged tongue. This started to occur as an infant, and when we saw him at the age of two it had grown so large that he could no longer shut his mouth. To feed him, his parents had to pull his mouth open from the side and shove food as far back as possible. Landry could only tolerate liquids and small amounts of soft foods. Afraid that his condition could potentially cause him to choke and possibly die, we immediately started seeking help. We brought him to several different doctors and pediatric hospitals in several different towns with no success in finding someone to help Landry.
His family prayed, his pastors prayed, we prayed. Everyone who met little Landry was praying that a miracle would happen. Then, two years later, that miracle happened.
Landry received surgery and is now ready to fly home this week. His family is so excited to see him and they will be so surprised at their son's new appearance. Never again will they have to fear that his condition could threaten his life or lead to a future filled with rejection and seclusion because of a deformity that in this society would deem him cursed.
Landry now has a bright future filled with hope. A future that all four year old boys should have.